If you don’t pay your credit card, it can lead to late fees, increased interest rates, being sent to collections, and damage to your credit. It could also result in...
A prime credit score typically refers to a high credit score, usually above 720. It shows lenders that you have a history of responsibly managing credit and can qualify you...
To get the most favorable terms and interest rates on an auto loan, lenders typically look for a credit score in the “good” to “excellent” range (620 – 800+). However,...
Ignoring student loans can damage your credit score, lead to wage garnishment, and accrue interest and fees. It may also result in legal action, tax refund offsets, and impact co-signers,...
A car repossession can significantly damage your credit score, potentially causing a drop of up to 100 points or more depending on your overall credit history. It remains on your...
Worried about your credit score? We get it – credit is confusing. In many ways it feels like you have no control over this thing that determines whether you can...
Beyond the obvious perks of securing loans and better interest rates, a good credit score can actually open doors to a lot of unexpected benefits – just like a bad...
Collection accounts are bad for your credit score. These negative marks on your credit report indicate you might not pay your bills on time—or ever, which is why lenders don’t...
Embarking on a weight loss journey can be daunting, and finding the right method to achieve your goals is crucial. One of the recent advancements in this field is Wegovy,...
When it comes to pursuing higher education, finding scholarships can significantly ease the financial burden. If you're in Tallahassee, Florida, you're in luck! This vibrant city offers a range of...